北岸 由美 Yumi Kitagishi イラストレーター
著書「366日のちいさな物語」(主婦の友社)、絵本「ねこねこほいくえん おさんぽカー」(文:石崎 洋司・絵:北岸 由美/出版:講談社)「もうすぐクリスマス」(白泉社) 発売中。
Yumi Kitagishi is a Tokyo-based illustrator. After studying graphic design and working at a design studio, Yumi started her career as a freelance illustrator. She energetically participates in solo and group exhibition, and she has collaborated with numerous brands and publishing houses.
Beautiful harmony of colors and hand-drawing style are strikingly attractive on her artworks. She often draws lovely characters like cats, owls, rabbits, girls with bobbed hair, men with mustaches etc… One sheet of illustration has plenty of stories from her imaginative world, and it looks just like a picture book.
As well she started painting on her nails and it has been receiving a lot of attention since she posted photos on her Instagram. The nail painting workshops were held at Isetan Shinjuku, Bonton Daikanyama, and more shop and galleries.
“ Little Stories of 366 Days” is the first book by her. She draws an illustration with date everyday and posts it on her Instagram. This book is the collection of her illustrations for 366 days.